Wednesday, February 11, 2009

~ Hidup Bollywood ~

Sebagai salah seorang peminat fanatik Hindi, ak rase sangat bertanggungjawab untuk berkongsi dengan kwn2 sekalian mengenai keindahan dan keunikan 3 filem hindi yang baru ak tonton sejak Januari 2009 ini.. Bagiku, ketiga2 filem ini adalah 'world class' dan berada di dalam kelas yang tersendiri..Malah jauh lagi hebat dari filem 'Hollywood' yang sgt diagung2kann oleh segelintir para penonton yang pro-barat ( antaranye budak2 umah18)..Ini kerana tanpa kita sedari, filem2 bollywood sebenarnya banyak memberi pengajaran dan nilai2 murni berbanding daripada filem barat yang pasti menyelitkan unsur2 seks ( yang ini budak2 umah18 paling suke )..Ketiga2 filem yang ak baru tonton itu adalah : Rabne Bana di Jodi ( Tuhan telah tentukan Jodoh ) , Ghajini dan Slumdog Milionaire. Ak ingin mengesyorkan kepada kwn2 sekalian untuk menonton 3 filem ini dan pasti anda tidak akan rugi malah hati kalian akan berputik rasa cinta kepada filem2 Hindi...huhuhu.. Ak bagi sinopsis dlm b.i and cite dia korang gi tgk sendiri.. X best la kalu ak citekan sume..

Rabne Bana Di Jodi ( Tuhan Telah Tentukan Jodoh )

Have you ever stopped to think if the most ordinary, uninteresting, unobtrusive man you might see on the road or around you might have a love story to tell? Maybe not. But love does not differentiate between the ordinary and exceptional, the uninteresting and interesting, the unattractive and attractive. Because love knows no distinction. It can happen to anyone and once it does it engulfs us into it completely and gives us those miraculous experiences that only love can yield. This is what happened to Surinder Sahni--a simple, clean hearted, honest man working for Punjab Power, leading a humdrum life, when he meets his total opposite and finds love in the flamboyant, fun-loving, vivacious Taani--for whom the whole world is her canvas. Duration : 2 hours 45 minutes


Sanjay Singhania after getting hit on his head while watching his girlfriend being murdered suffers from a short term memory loss and cannot recollect anything beyond 15 minutes. He tattoos phone numbers and names on his body to keep his memory alive and seeks revenge for the murder of his girlfriend, Kalpana. The only clue he has is the name that he remembers his dying girlfriend utter in his ears - Ghajini. Duration : 3 hours

Slumdog Milionaire

The story of Jamal Malik, an 18 year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai, who is about to experience the biggest day of his life. With the whole nation watching, he is just one question away from winning a staggering 20 million rupees on India's "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" But when the show breaks for the night, police arrest him on suspicion of cheating; how could a street kid know so much? Desperate to prove his innocence, Jamal tells the story of his life in the slum where he and his brother grew up, of their adventures together on the road, of vicious encounters with local gangs, and of Latika, the girl he loved and lost. Each chapter of his story reveals the key to the answer to one of the game show's questions. Intrigued by Jamal's story, the jaded Police Inspector begins to wonder what a young man with no apparent desire for riches is really doing on this game show? When the new day dawns and Jamal returns to answer the final question, the Inspector and sixty million viewers are about to find out...
Duration : 2 hours . US Box Office : USD 77,203,055 ,
This film has won many Oscar and Academy Awards... such as Best Film, Best Music and so on